Episode 24: Facilitation and Open Government with Don Lenihan


Dr Don Lenihan is Co-Chair of Open Government Partnership’s Practice Group on Dialogue and Deliberation.  He is an extremely-experienced facilitator with a willingness to share his immense experience with others. Much of his thinking, along with input from others in seven countries, can be found in the guides developed by the OGP Practice Group. He covers some of that helpful content in this podcast episode.


Dr. Don Lenihan is President and CEO of Middle Ground Policy Research and Senior Associate at the Institute on Governance in Ottawa, Canada. He is an internationally recognized expert on public engagement, governance, policy development, and organizational change.
Don co-chairs the Open Government Partnership’s (OGP) Practice Group on Dialogue and Deliberation, a 10-member panel of experts from around the world who are developing a methodology for public deliberation processes and have published four major papers on the topic. Don is the principal writer on these projects (see his website homepage).
Don has over 25 years’ experience as a project leader, researcher, writer, speaker, senior government advisor, trainer, and facilitator. Throughout his career, he has developed and led many research and consultation projects involving senior public servants, academics, elected officials, journalists, and members of the private and third sectors from across the country (click here). He is the author of numerous articles, studies, and books (click here) and, until recently, wrote a weekly column for National Newswatch, Canada’s preeminent political news aggregator. He earned his PhD in political theory from the University of Ottawa and is proficient in French.

Music acknowledgement.

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